Please give us your feedback!

We are delighted that the process of developing these program standards is the subject of a forthcoming article accepted for publication by The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal (CPCJ). These standards are also available on our website. We are now seeking feedback as part of a wide consultation process encompassing patients, families and health professionals in all settings and, particularly, from those living and working in low to middle income countries.

If you want to engage in this process, and are aligned to our efforts to further develop ethical global standards for cleft care, please contact us using the feedback form below

Data protection statement

Your responses will be anonymous. As your feedback will be held anonymously it will not be possible for you to withdraw your responses once they have been submitted. Once you have submitted feedback your comments will be held in an anonymous form by a partner in this project, the European Cleft Organisation (ECO), a Non-Government Organisation. ECO will share your anonymous responses with other project partners for the purposes of assessing and reporting the responses. The responses you provide may be reported and made publicly available as part of a set of aggregated data in publications, conference presentations, project meetings, and through other mediums of dissemination.

(only complete if you are happy for your organization to be identified publicly as part of our consultation process)

I work for an NGO involved in cleft care

I am a Health Professional

I am a patient/family representative

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